What to expect


At St. Stephen, you won't be met with shame, guilt, or judgment.   No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have, this is a place where you'll find the grace and forgiveness that Jesus gives to everyone.


What are the services like?

Each service is typically about an hour. We follow an order of worship that Christians have used for centuries--readings from the Bible, preaching that speaks to the modern world, time to praise God, and time to pray to God.  Every weekend service includes holy communion--a gift from God that we cannot completely understand but nevertheless nourishes us in a profound way.

While the order of our worship services is ancient, our worship is for people living in the 21st century.  Every service is grounded in our ancient tradition as Christians and also profoundly tied to how we experience the modern world.


How does the music sound?  What kind of music do you play?

Songs range from gospel, hymns and contemporary.  Sometimes we use songs from different parts of the world.  Our aim is to please God through these expressions rooted in diversity and unity.


What should I wear?

You will see people wearing a wide variety of clothes - from somewhat formal to quite casual.  Feel free to wear what you want, whether that is a suit or jeans.



Absolutely!  We love having children in worship with us.  We love their sounds and curiosity.  Your children are welcome to sit with you and engage in worship in anyway they would like.  We don't mind some extra noises or wanderers around the sanctuary.  If you would like to have some private space to be with your child if they need some space, you are welcome to use the nursery at the rear of the sanctuary where you can still both see and hear what’s happening the in the sanctuary.  There is also education time for children after service on Sundays morning fall through spring.


One other thing

We know that visiting a new church can often be intimidating.  Don’t worry, we won’t ask you to raise your hand as our guest or do anything that will embarrass or single you out in any way. 


We think that the people of St. Stephen are the most important part of our community.  Learn more about some current members and our leadership serving St. Stephen.


You are


at St. Stephen.




Looking for worship times or information about our location? Check out our plan a visit page.
