Sunday School for Children
Sunday School is held during the school year from 10:45-11:45AM. Classes annually kick off on the Sunday after Labor Day. Sunday School starts off with music time in the church sanctuary led by our Music Director, Mr. Ron Selle. Ron uses his training in music education to get kids excited about singing. Then it's off to classes where kids learn each week what it means to be a follower of Jesus through Bible stories and opportunities to serve as disciples at their schools, in the community and throughout the world!
Confirmation Program
Typically, confirmation classes are for 7th and 8th-grade students, who are at a transitional stage in their lives. They have moved beyond simply hearing Bible stories and are ready to learn how these stories relate to their own lives. This is the essence of the confirmation program. It is a 2-year program with weekly classes during the school year (Sundays at 10:45 AM), culminating in a confirmation service where students affirm their Christian beliefs.
Opportunities for Adults
Learning about the faith is not just for kids! As adults, we understand the stories from the Bible more deeply thanks to our own life experiences. On Tuesdays, join us for Bible study at 12pm (in-person).
St. Stephen takes the wellbeing of our young people seriously. Please read our Child Safety Policy for more information on how we work to ensure a safe environment all involved.